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New bus timetable for 747 from 28th August 2016


IMG_0001Mobile Library Service for Belton in Rutland – The mobile library service now calls at the following times:

New Road (opp. Goughs Lane) at 15.50 (up to 20 mins)

Littleworth Lane (Apple Cottage) at 16.15 (15 mins)

which started on 25th Wednesday 2015 and continues on ALTERNATE WEDNESDAYs THEREAFTER

Please contact Oakham Library on 01572 722918 if you require any further information




The village operates a neighborhood watch.

neighbourhood-watchIf you would like to be added to the mail list for any updates please email: janmwarren@btinternet.com

Smart water is active in the village. To understand more view the video below:

