Dear friends,
I hope that you are all keeping well and safe and not getting too bored or lonely during these difficult times. Please do ring for a chat if you are feeling at all down. I can’t believe that we have been doing these online services for so many weeks now, I am beginning to wonder if when we get back into the church I will be able to remember what to do. It will be good though to break bread together again. Looking at this week’s gospel reading I am reminded about how central that is to all that we do and who we are as a community. Fasting is always good in refocusing our minds on God and sorting out our priorities, this fasting from Holy Communion does remind us that the sacred is all around us and in the simplest of things. In fact, Bread and Wine was used by Jesus as a commemoration because they were the basic things of life. When you eat your meals this week remember that you are in communion with him and in that giving thanks for what you have he is with you and in you just as he is when you share in communion. The important thing is in those moments to welcome him in to stay with you.
The link for this week’s service which comes from Belton can be found on this link.
Thank you again to Nick for his professional advice and recording, Hattie for the uplifting music, Bob for the Reading, Fr Peter for the reflection and Ed for the prayers.
Have a great Easter 3! You will find the Order of service attached together with this weeks quiz and last week’s answers and Nat’s Youth and children’s newsletter.. some great links on this.
Every Blessing as ever
Easter 3 Newsletter 24th April weekly quiz 3 (1) Weekly Quiz Answers 3 (1)Newsletter 24th AprilWeekly Quiz Answers 3 (1)weekly quiz 3 (1)