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Phil Caswell (Police, CEC, Loughborough) |
Leicestershire Police are encouraging people from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to have their say on the future of the force by taking part in an online survey.
From today (17 Feb) until 9am on Monday 2 March, members of the public can complete a short questionnaire to give their views on how policing services in the future should be delivered.
The questionnaire is designed to measure the public’s preferences and priorities to help determine the future demand and requirements of the force.
Last week Leicestershire Police saw some big changes to its structure and as policing budgets decrease, the force will need to continue to make savings whilst meeting the changing public need.
These changes show the force’s commitment to local policing and the importance of working with communities and partners to deal with issues at a local level.
Investment in mobile technology will also allow officers to be more flexible, accessible and visible, without the need to be located in traditional police stations.
Leicestershire Police Chief Constable Simon Cole said: “We have just launched our new policing model but there are more savings to make. The force needs to continue to transform, responding to a reducing budget and the changing public expectation.
“This survey is part of the next step to continue this on-going transformation. We want the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to engage and to tell us what they would like to see their policing service look like in the future.
“The results we get from this survey will help to shape the future direction of Leicestershire Police.”
If you would like to take part in the survey please visit